Tourist Places near Uttarakhand – Rishikesh


The Garhwal region of North India is dotted with some of the holiest Hindu pilgrimage sites and Rishikesh is one among them. Located 238 km northeast of Delhi and 24 km north of Haridwar, this sacred place has been a magnet for spiritualists, especially since the establishment of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi ashram in the late 1960s. Being an important spiritual centre, Rishikesh is always crowded with sadhus and pilgrims from across the globe. All kinds of Yoga and meditation are taught in the ashrams here.

Kedarnath is 450 feet long at an elevation of 70 feet from the river. A 13-storey temple, called Terah Manzil, nearthe Lakshman Jhula is very popular amongst visitors. You can have a spectacular view of the temples of Swarg Niwas and Shri Trayanbakshwar standing over the bridge. Sunset is an ideal time to photograph these temples from the bridge.

Lakshman temple:     It          is          another            temple

around the bridge, which has the famous Risha Kund. According to locals, Lord Ram and Lakshman took bath in the kund, after killing Ravana.toget rid of their sins.

Bharat Mandir: This is the Rishikesh’s oldest temple, dedicated to Lord Vishnu. It is situated in the centre of the old town on the banks of the Ganga. Dating back to the 9th century, this temple built by Adiguru Shankaracharya finds mention in the ancient records of ‘Kedarkhand.’ The temple deity, Lord Vishnu, is carved out of a single black stone called Saligram.


Rajaji National Park: Sprawling over 820 sq. km., the Rajaji National Park at Chilla is 16 km from Rishikesh. The park houses many species of wildlife and is especially known for its wild elephants. The Sariska sanctuary is 37 km from Rishikesh. It was established in 1955 and is located in the valley of the Aravallis. Vilas Vinay Palace: Once the residence of Maharaja Vinay Singh, the Vilas Vinay Palace is located about 10 km from the main township. The palace has beautiful gardens watered by the Lake inside the palace

See also  Tourist Places in Uttarakhand - Uttarkashi



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premises. There is also a hunting lodge on the hillside, which has now been converted into a hotel.

Narendra Nagar: This town built by the King of Tehri, Narendra Singh is of archaeological importance and is located at the 15th km on the Rishikesh-Chamba Road. The royal palace and a magnificent Nandi (bull) statue are the majortourism attractions here.

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