Tourist Places in kanyakumari (Tamil Nadu) – Udayagiri Forts: (34 kms.)

Udayagiri Forts

Udayagiri Forts: (34 kms.) This fort is situated near the main road leading to Padmanabhapuram. Built during the regime of king Marthanda Varma (1729 – 1758), it had an ancient foundry for casting guns. It is said that a Dutch General by name De Lennoy became the prisoner of the king when the Dutch army was defeated at Colachel in 1741. Later, the General became a trusted friend of Marthanda Varma and helped him in training the state army in modern methods of fighting. The tomb of the General is situated within this fort.

See also  Tourist Places in RAMESHWARAM (Tamil Nadu) - Uttira Kosa Mangai: (72 kms.)
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